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The Complete Guide to Jade: Discover its Characteristics and Different Varieties

Le Guide Complet du Jade : Découvrez ses Caractéristiques et ses Différentes Variétés

Jade is a semi-precious stone of great beauty and cultural value. It is often associated with Chinese culture and has an important symbolic meaning in this tradition. In this article, we will explore the different characteristics of jade and its different varieties.

  1. Nephrite jade: Nephrite jade is the most common and popular variety of jade. It is characterized by its green color, although it can also be white, yellow, brown and even black. Nephrite jade is often used for making jewelry and art objects. It is renowned for its hardness and resistance, which makes it an ideal stone for carving.

  2. Jadeite jade: Jadeite jade is a less common but more valuable variety of jade. It is characterized by its intense emerald green color, although it can also be white, pink, yellow and even purple. Jadeite jade is considered the most valuable jade and is often used for making high-end jewelry.

  3. The qualities of jade: Jade is a very hard stone, with a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. It also has a high density, which makes it very resistant to shocks. Jade is also a very smooth and cool stone to the touch, making it a comfortable stone to wear.

  4. The symbolic meaning of jade: Jade is often associated with Chinese culture and has an important symbolic meaning. It is considered a lucky stone, symbolizing purity, wisdom, benevolence and prosperity. Jade is often used in jewelry and artwork to bring good luck and protection to its wearer.

  5. The maintenance of jade: Jade is a very resistant stone, but it still requires regular maintenance to maintain its beauty and quality. It is recommended to clean jade with warm water and mild soap, avoiding harsh chemicals. It is also recommended to store jade jewelry separately from other jewelry to avoid scratches.

In conclusion, jade is a semi-precious stone of great beauty and cultural value. There are different varieties of jade, each with its own characteristics and symbolic meanings. If you are looking for a lasting and symbolic piece of jewelry or artwork, jade is definitely a stone to consider.

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