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The Beauty and History of Freshwater Pearls and Jade in Jewelry

La Beauté et l'Histoire des Perles d'Eau Douce et du Jade dans les Bijoux

The Beauty and History of Freshwater Pearls and Jade in Jewelry

For centuries, humans have been drawn to the beauty and allure of gemstones and pearls. Among the most coveted and timeless gemstones are freshwater pearls and jade. In this blog, we will explore the history of these gemstones and how they are used in jewelry today.

freshwater pearls

Pearls are one of the oldest and most valued gemstones in the world. They are formed inside the shells of certain molluscs and are valued for their natural luster and iridescence. Freshwater pearls, also known as freshwater cultured pearls, are one of the most popular types of pearls used in jewelry today. They are grown in rivers, lakes and other freshwater sources and are prized for their unique shapes, sizes and colors.

The history of freshwater pearls dates back to ancient China, where they were first cultured over 2000 years ago. During the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), freshwater pearls were considered more valuable than saltwater pearls and were used to adorn the clothing of the rich and powerful. The Chinese were so adept at cultivating freshwater pearls that they were able to produce pearls in a wide variety of colors, including pink, purple, and white.

Over time, the popularity of freshwater pearls has spread around the world. In the 19th century, the discovery of pearl mussels in North America and Europe led to an increase in the production of freshwater pearls. Today, freshwater pearls are still highly prized for their beauty and versatility, and are used in a wide variety of jewelry designs.


Jade is another popular gemstone that has been used in jewelry for centuries. It is a type of rock composed of jadeite or nephrite minerals and is valued for its natural green color and translucency. Jade has been used in many cultures throughout history, from ancient China and Mesoamerica to pre-Columbian South America.

In ancient China, jade was considered more valuable than gold or silver. It was used to make intricate carvings and jewelry and was considered to have powerful protective and healing properties. The ancient Mayans and Aztecs also valued jade, using it to make weapons, masks

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